Al Bilad newspaper Ahli United Bank wins the Best Bank in Bahrain award for the year 2024 from Global Finance magazine – 2024-04-23 01:50:52

Al Bilad newspaper Ahli United Bank wins the Best Bank in Bahrain award for the year 2024 from Global Finance magazine
– 2024-04-23 01:50:52

Ahli United Bank B.S.C. (C) was announced as the winner of the Best Bank in Bahrain award for the year 2024 from Global Finance, the international magazine known for its…

The post Al Bilad newspaper Ahli United Bank wins the Best Bank in Bahrain award for the year 2024 from Global Finance magazine
– 2024-04-23 01:50:52
appeared first on Worldys News.

Volkswagen hacked for five years, ‘China crosses deep, deep, deep red line’

Volkswagen hacked for five years, ‘China crosses deep, deep, deep red line’

#Volkswagen #hacked #years #China #crosses #deep #deep #deep #red #line International•22 Apr ’24 12:20Author: Mark van Harreveld Volkswagen was hacked and spied on from China for five years. Between 2010 and 2015, hackers stole thousands of company documents, Der Spiegel and ZDF reported this weekend. ‘It concerns 19,000 documents about the development of petrol engines, […]

The post Volkswagen hacked for five years, ‘China crosses deep, deep, deep red line’ appeared first on World Today Journal.


The Arena Vienna’s new sound system is being installed

The Arena Vienna’s new sound system is being installed

Neighbors complained about the noise coming from the venue. A new system is intended to reduce the noise from the outside. Installation…

The post The Arena Vienna’s new sound system is being installed appeared first on Daily Weby.


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