Al-Muthanna announces the achievement of advanced completion rates in the largest paper production project

Baghdad – IA
The Muthanna Investment Authority announced today, Thursday, the achievement of advanced completion rates for the largest project in the country to recycle waste in all governorates and convert it into paper and cardboard envelopes.

The head of the Muthanna Investment Authority, Adel Dakhel Al-Yasiri, said in a statement received by the (INA): “In line with the Prime Minister’s program to develop the industrial and agricultural sector, Al-Shumukh Paper Manufacturing Company has begun its investment project in the Muthanna Governorate,” stressing, “The project is consistent with aspirations.” The country’s environment is achieved by collecting paper waste from shops in all governorates and converting it into paper and cardboard material that can be used.”
He added, “The project is located in the star industrial axis north of Muthanna Governorate and was founded on an area of ​​(50) dunums, with a total cost of (32) million dollars,” indicating that “work on the project is being conducted in stages and with advanced work rates after the foundation stage has been completed.” With more than (1000) concrete piles, commercial production will be launched at the beginning of next year.”
He pointed out that “the production capacity of the first phase of the project is (500) tons per day, while the final design capacity is (1,500) tons per day,” stressing that “the country’s total need for paper and cardboard currently, and according to the schedule of the Ministry of Planning, is (1,700) tons per day.” “.
He stressed, “The project will support the Iraqi economy and provide hard currency for the country by stopping the import of huge quantities of paper daily,” adding, “It will be an engine for the transportation sector through the presence of large teams to collect paper waste in all governorates and deliver it to the factory site in Muthanna Governorate.” “.
He continued, “The project depends on 100% Iraqi labor and will employ (450) workers when commercial operation begins, and there are large numbers of workers currently working in creating foundations and concrete,” stressing, “The project’s foundations depend on efficient companies in pouring columns and concrete.”

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