Apple removes WhatsApp, Threads, Signal and Telegram from the App Store in China by government order

Apple removes WhatsApp, Threads, Signal and Telegram from the App Store in China by government order

MADRID, (Portaltic/EP) – Apple withdrew some social networks, such as WhatsApp, Threads, Telegram and Signal from its App Store application store in China, due to an order from the Chinese…

The post Apple removes WhatsApp, Threads, Signal and Telegram from the App Store in China by government order appeared first on Worldys News.

National Vaccination Campaign Urges Pregnant Women to Protect Babies from Bronchiolitis with RSV Vaccine

National Vaccination Campaign Urges Pregnant Women to Protect Babies from Bronchiolitis with RSV Vaccine

At the request of the Discussion Council, the Department of Management must investigate the possibility of a promotion, distribution and awareness campaign of vaccination against the bronchiolitis virus for all pregnant women and include it in the Vaccination Calendar National 2024. The initiative was presented by the Unión por la Patria bloc and is based … Read more

You can read the full story here: National Vaccination Campaign Urges Pregnant Women to Protect Babies from Bronchiolitis with RSV Vaccine .


Understanding Urinary Incontinence in Athletes: Causes, Risks, and Solutions

Understanding Urinary Incontinence in Athletes: Causes, Risks, and Solutions

2024-04-23 10:30:00 Still taboo, urinary incontinence is a real public health problem, mainly for women, at…

The post Understanding Urinary Incontinence in Athletes: Causes, Risks, and Solutions appeared first on TIme News.


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