Backgrounds to military spending in Morocco and Algeria…renewal plans and “drums of war”

Backgrounds to military spending in Morocco and Algeria…renewal plans and “drums of war”

Although Morocco and Algeria accounted for 82 percent of military spending in the North African region in 2023, a recent report by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) confirms…

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Participating in the Death Demonstration of Mahsa Amini, Famous Iranian Rapper Sentenced to Death

Participating in the Death Demonstration of Mahsa Amini, Famous Iranian Rapper Sentenced to Death

#Participating #Death #Demonstration #Mahsa #Amini #Famous #Iranian #Rapper #Sentenced #Death Teheran – Court Iran dropping death sentence to a famous rapper named Toomaj Salehi. The death sentence was handed down against Salehi who has been imprisoned for more than 1.5 years for supporting rally which became widespread two years ago, triggered by the death of […]

The post Participating in the Death Demonstration of Mahsa Amini, Famous Iranian Rapper Sentenced to Death appeared first on World Today Journal.


Ukraine – Russia war, last minute | Baby dies in Russian attack on Kharkov hotel

Ukraine – Russia war, last minute | Baby dies in Russian attack on Kharkov hotel

At the end of 713 days of war in ukrainethe State of Emergency Service Ukraine reported the death of a two-month-old baby…

The post Ukraine – Russia war, last minute | Baby dies in Russian attack on Kharkov hotel appeared first on Daily Weby.


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