Four female newsreaders file a lawsuit against British broadcaster BBC

Four female newsreaders file a lawsuit against British broadcaster BBC

© Shutterstock Four BBC newsreaders have filed a lawsuit against the British broadcaster. The four women believe they were unfairly lost their jobs at the BBC News Channel after a…

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“When I started showing slides about Ukraine, I saw that several students looked away…” Experience story of Russian-speaking young people

“When I started showing slides about Ukraine, I saw that several students looked away…” Experience story of Russian-speaking young people

#started #showing #slides #Ukraine #students #looked #away.. #Experience #story #Russianspeaking #young #people The image is illustrative Photo – LETA Last week, on the “X” platform, my attention was drawn to the post of Vladislava Romanova, the author of the film “Daugavpils – City of Opportunities/Impossibles”, about young people who come from Russian-speaking families. Most read […]

The post “When I started showing slides about Ukraine, I saw that several students looked away…” Experience story of Russian-speaking young people appeared first on World Today Journal.


American writer Paul Auster dies at 77

American writer Paul Auster dies at 77

The prominent American writer Paul Auster died this Tuesday night in Brooklyn, a neighborhood in New York City (United States), at the…

The post American writer Paul Auster dies at 77 appeared first on Daily Weby.


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