Hamas Prisoner Deal and US Options for Palestinian State: UN Coordinator’s Discussions

Hamas Prisoner Deal and US Options for Palestinian State: UN Coordinator’s Discussions

2024-02-01 08:24:23 Hamas discusses the prisoner deal… and Washington is studying “options” for the Palestinian state Sigrid Kaag, the United Nations high-level coordinator for the delivery of humanitarian aid and the reconstruction of Gaza, raised, with senior officials in the US administration, the implementation of Resolution 2720, which was adopted by the Security Council weeks … Read more

You can read the full story here: Hamas Prisoner Deal and US Options for Palestinian State: UN Coordinator’s Discussions.

Farmers’ Protest Paralyzes Brussels: Latest Updates from NOS News

Farmers’ Protest Paralyzes Brussels: Latest Updates from NOS News

NOSThe farmers’ protest in Brussels this morning NOS News•today, 08:06•Changed today, 10:34 A large farmers’ protest is taking place in Brussels around the EU summit that is taking place there today. The mainly Belgian farmers want to paralyze the entire city with their action to put pressure on the EU leaders. They campaign for better … Read more

You can read the full story here: Farmers’ Protest Paralyzes Brussels: Latest Updates from NOS News .


Russian bombings force the evacuation of about 40 people from a hospital in Kharkiv

Russian bombings force the evacuation of about 40 people from a hospital in Kharkiv

2024-02-01 06:49:27 About 40 people have been evacuated this Wednesday night shortly before Two projectiles hit…

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