In support of Israel… British fighter planes fly in the skies of Gaza in search of “hostages”



/ The British Ministry of Defense announced on Sunday that the army will conduct “reconnaissance flights over the Gaza Strip” to help locate hostages held by Hamas since its attack on Israel on October 7.

The Ministry said in a statement: “In support of ongoing hostage rescue activities, the British Ministry of Defense will conduct reconnaissance flights over the eastern Mediterranean, including operating in the airspace over Israel and Gaza.”

She stressed that “the surveillance aircraft will be unarmed, and will not have any combat role, and their mission will only be to determine the location of the hostages.”

The Israeli army estimates the number of people who were detained and taken hostage to the Gaza Strip in the Hamas attack at about 240, and after the release of a total of 110 hostages since the beginning of the conflict, including 105 during the truce, most of them women and minors, there are still 136 hostages held by Hamas and factions. Another Palestinian, according to the Israeli authorities.

The Hamas attack resulted in about 1,200 deaths in Israel, the majority of whom were civilians and including women and children, according to the Israeli authorities.

Israel vowed to “eliminate” Hamas, and the intense bombing of Gaza, which, as of last October 27, was accompanied by extensive ground operations inside the Strip, left more than 15,000 dead, most of them civilians, including more than 6,000 children, according to the authorities. Health in Gaza.

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