Millions of funds of the ex-deputy were confiscated – 2024-04-25 04:36:53

Millions of funds of the ex-deputy were confiscated
– 2024-04-25 04:36:53

In Russia, the bailiff confiscated 100 trillion rubles from the accounts and assets of ex-deputy Vadim Belousov and ex-governor of Chelyabinsk region Mikhail Yurevich. The confiscation was carried out based…

The post Millions of funds of the ex-deputy were confiscated
– 2024-04-25 04:36:53
appeared first on Worldys News.

Take violence seriously – this is exactly how Nazis work

Take violence seriously – this is exactly how Nazis work

#violence #Nazis #work In the SD sphere and other parts of the outer right, there has long been a tendency to relativize and soften the extreme right-wing violence. Nazi demonstrations and acts have often been met with a sleepy half-reflex: “It’s about some confused young men with swastika flags. The real threat comes from Islamism”. […]

The post Take violence seriously – this is exactly how Nazis work appeared first on World Today Journal.


‘X Factor’ | Program 2, on video (04/23/24)

‘X Factor’ | Program 2, on video (04/23/24)

The ‘X Factor’ auditions are back, in a gala where we will see the jury members get excited, enjoy the songs and…

The post ‘X Factor’ | Program 2, on video (04/23/24) appeared first on Daily Weby.


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