Operation Praetorian: MP requests preventive detention for Madureira and “Polaco” | public ministry

Operation Praetorian: MP requests preventive detention for Madureira and “Polaco” | public ministry

This Tuesday, the Public Prosecutor’s Office (MP) requested preventive detention for Fernando Madureira, leader of the Super…

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The Two Natural Wonders of the World Close to Peru: Discover Brazil’s Hidden Gems

The Two Natural Wonders of the World Close to Peru: Discover Brazil’s Hidden Gems

2024-04-23 03:08:33 Thousands of people do not know that a country very close to Peru has…

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US Congress Approves $60 Billion Military Aid Package for Ukraine as Russia Advances

US Congress Approves $60 Billion Military Aid Package for Ukraine as Russia Advances

Solving the Crisis in Ukraine: Innovative Solutions and Strategies Soldiers on the front lines in Ukraine say the prospect of final approval…

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