Operation Praetorian: MP requests preventive detention for Madureira and “Polaco” | public ministry

Operation Praetorian: MP requests preventive detention for Madureira and “Polaco” | public ministry

This Tuesday, the Public Ministry (MP) requested preventive detention for Fernando Madureira, leader of the Super Dragões,…

The post Operation Praetorian: MP requests preventive detention for Madureira and “Polaco” | public ministry appeared first on Breaking Latest News.

CDE sues for millionaire treasury fraud in Codelco
– 2024-05-04 10:10:59

CDE sues for millionaire treasury fraud in Codelco
– 2024-05-04 10:10:59

2024-05-04 10:10:59 The State Defense Council (CDE) filed a legal action accusing a series of irregularities…

The post CDE sues for millionaire treasury fraud in Codelco
– 2024-05-04 10:10:59
appeared first on TIme News.


Standing in Solidarity: Condemning the Attack on an Internally Displaced Persons Camp in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Standing in Solidarity: Condemning the Attack on an Internally Displaced Persons Camp in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

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The post Standing in Solidarity: Condemning the Attack on an Internally Displaced Persons Camp in the Democratic Republic of the Congo appeared first on News Usa Today.


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