Prime Minister resigned due to regional disputes and international pressure

Prime Minister resigned due to regional disputes and international pressure

Haiti’s prime minister, Ariel Henry, has resigned due to the takeover of the capital by criminal gangs, escalating regional conflicts and international pressure. According to the World News Agency, the resignation of Haiti’s Prime Minister Ariel Henry came when 3,700 criminals who escaped from prisons as a result of an attack by armed groups together … Read more

You can read the full story here: Prime Minister resigned due to regional disputes and international pressure.

Summer Storm No. 7 Warning: North East Thailand Braces for Severe Weather

Summer Storm No. 7 Warning: North East Thailand Braces for Severe Weather

The Department of Meteorology issues a warning “Summer Storm” No. 7 hitting the North East in 26 areas today. The Department of Meteorology issued an alert regarding summer storms in upper Thailand, No. 7, states that wind waves from the west from Myanmar will move through the upper northern and northeastern regions, during 4 – … Read more

You can read the full story here: Summer Storm No. 7 Warning: North East Thailand Braces for Severe Weather .


Mass stabbing leaves four people injured in London

Mass stabbing leaves four people injured in London

2024-05-04 01:18:57 A ferocious attack by a 36-year-old man is reported after they carried out this…

The post Mass stabbing leaves four people injured in London appeared first on TIme News.


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