REMINDER: Invitation to the (hybrid) press conference of the ÖVIH: TBE – A tick bite with consequences – 2024-03-13 07:41:37

REMINDER: Invitation to the (hybrid) press conference of the ÖVIH: TBE – A tick bite with consequences
– 2024-03-13 07:41:37

Vienna (OTS) – The tropical giant tick is here to stay. Less new, but all the more problematic, is the “common wooden goat”, the carrier of TBE. Every year, more…

The post REMINDER: Invitation to the (hybrid) press conference of the ÖVIH: TBE – A tick bite with consequences
– 2024-03-13 07:41:37
appeared first on Worldys News.

This is how you can lose kilos with pasta, potatoes, etc

This is how you can lose kilos with pasta, potatoes, etc

#lose #kilos #pasta #potatoes Pasta, potatoes and rice should be avoided in the diet because they provide a lot of carbohydrates and make you fat. But did you know that carbohydrates decrease if you let the dish cool? These are converted into resistant starch and travel through our body without being digested. You can read […]

The post This is how you can lose kilos with pasta, potatoes, etc appeared first on World Today Journal.


Same amount of exercise: women benefit more than men, study finds

Same amount of exercise: women benefit more than men, study finds

Just 140 minutes of moderate activity per week would be enough to significantly reduce the chances of premature death in women, while…

The post Same amount of exercise: women benefit more than men, study finds appeared first on Daily Weby.


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