Sentences of Imran Khan, Bushra Bibi suspended in Tosha Khana case

Sentences of Imran Khan, Bushra Bibi suspended in Tosha Khana case

The Islamabad High Court on Monday ordered the release of former Prime Minister Imran Khan and his wife Bushra Bibi in the Tosha Khana case while suspending their sentences. Now…

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China Builds Hundreds of Military Satellites, America is Wary

China Builds Hundreds of Military Satellites, America is Wary

#China #Builds #Hundreds #Military #Satellites #America #Wary Jakarta – China He is really passionate about exploring outer space and makes the United States worried. A Pentagon official warned that China has developed a network of hundreds of military satellites that could be used to target US forces. Maj. Gen. Greg Gagnon, deputy chief of space […]

The post China Builds Hundreds of Military Satellites, America is Wary appeared first on World Today Journal.


Ukraine – Russia war, last minute | Baby dies in Russian attack on Kharkov hotel

Ukraine – Russia war, last minute | Baby dies in Russian attack on Kharkov hotel

At the end of 713 days of war in ukrainethe State of Emergency Service Ukraine reported the death of a two-month-old baby…

The post Ukraine – Russia war, last minute | Baby dies in Russian attack on Kharkov hotel appeared first on Daily Weby.


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