The “African Lion” maneuvers are preparing to test the effectiveness of “Javelin” missiles in Morocco

The “African Lion” maneuvers are preparing to test the effectiveness of “Javelin” missiles in Morocco

It is expected that the US Army will participate in the multinational “African Lion 2024” maneuvers and training with about 700 National Guard soldiers, which will be hosted by the…

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110 Year Old Grandfather Reveals Secret to Long Life, Consume This Every Day

110 Year Old Grandfather Reveals Secret to Long Life, Consume This Every Day

#Year #Grandfather #Reveals #Secret #Long #Life #Consume #Day Jakarta – Not long ago, a grandfather in New Jersey, United States named Vincent Dransfield celebrated his 110th birthday in April 2024. Even though he is more than 100 years old, Dransfield is still very fit and can carry out his daily activities well. Dransfield left school […]

The post 110 Year Old Grandfather Reveals Secret to Long Life, Consume This Every Day appeared first on World Today Journal.


Ukraine – Russia war, last minute | Russia launches several drone attacks in kyiv and southern Ukraine

Ukraine – Russia war, last minute | Russia launches several drone attacks in kyiv and southern Ukraine

On the 718th day of the war in Ukraine, Russia has launched several drone attacks overnight in Kiev and the south of…

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