The Indonesian national team arrives in Basra to meet its Iraqi host next Thursday



The Indonesian national team delegation arrived in Basra on Sunday morning in preparation for playing the first match in the Asian qualifiers for the 2026 World Cup and 2027 Asian Cup finals against the Iraqi national team next Thursday at Basra International Stadium.

The Iraqi national team will play its first match on Thursday against the Indonesian national team in the double qualifiers for the 2026 World Cup and 2027 Asian Cup finals.

And earlier; Casas announced the final list of the Iraqi national team to meet Indonesia and Vietnam, which consisted of: Jalal Hassan, Fahd Talib, Ahmed Basil, France Boutros, Saad Natiq, Ali Adnan, Rebin Sulaqa, Hussein Ali, Mustafa Saadoun, Ahmed Yahya, Mirkhas Dusky, Amjad Atwan, Ahmed Ali, Osama Rashid, Amir Al-Ammari, Ibrahim Bayesh, Hassan Abdul Karim, Danilo Al-Saad, Youssef Amin, Bashar Rassan, Ali Jassim, Ayman Hussein, Ali Al-Hammadi, Muhannad Ali and Bashang Abdullah.

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