Underestimated risk of lung transplants researched – 2024-05-04 02:12:00

Underestimated risk of lung transplants researched
– 2024-05-04 02:12:00

New findings on life-threatening reactions to donor organs Vienna (OTS) – As a potentially life-threatening risk in lung transplants, PLS (Passenger Lymphocyte Syndrome) has hardly been researched and is often…

The post Underestimated risk of lung transplants researched
– 2024-05-04 02:12:00
appeared first on Worldys News.

These 7 common mistakes sabotage your flat stomach goal and promote the storage of abdominal fat

These 7 common mistakes sabotage your flat stomach goal and promote the storage of abdominal fat

#common #mistakes #sabotage #flat #stomach #goal #promote #storage #abdominal #fat The stomach, often an area of ​​major concern, can be difficult to sculpt. But did you know that some common mistakes can make the problem worse? Between poor dietary choices, a sedentary lifestyle and high stress, it is easy to encourage the accumulation of abdominal […]

The post These 7 common mistakes sabotage your flat stomach goal and promote the storage of abdominal fat appeared first on World Today Journal.


sport, a simple prescription for sleeping better

sport, a simple prescription for sleeping better

Michel Cymes and Jean Galfione in “Take care of yourself!” Your sleep in Olympic form.” JUNE 17 FRANCE 5 – TUESDAY APRIL…

The post sport, a simple prescription for sleeping better appeared first on Daily Weby.


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