Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager: IT safety alert about new vulnerability

Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager: IT safety alert about new vulnerability

There is a present IT safety alert for Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager. You can discover out what…

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Energy Integrations Launches SCALE-iFlex XLT Twin-Channel Gate Driver for Renewable Power Purposes

Energy Integrations Launches SCALE-iFlex XLT Twin-Channel Gate Driver for Renewable Power Purposes

SAN JOSE, Calif.–( BUSINESS WIRE )–Energy Integrations, a frontrunner in gate driver expertise for medium and excessive voltage inverter functions.Energy integrations)(NASDAQ: POWI) is a dual-channel plug-and-play gate driver on the twenty first (native time). SCALE-iFlex™ XLT Launch of a product line introduced. It is a wind, vitality storage and photo voltaic renewable vitality product that […]

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Ticking clock on antarctic end: Satellite discloses ‘extreme melting’ below Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier – SciTechDaily

Ticking clock on antarctic end: Satellite discloses ‘extreme melting’ below Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier – SciTechDaily

A group led by glaciologists from the College of The Golden State, Irvine, made use of satellite radar information to rebuild the…

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