Wall Genie app uses AI to generate personalized wallpapers

Wall Genie app uses AI to generate personalized wallpapers

2024-05-04 00:27:35 Who out there likes to change things up? wallpapers used not iPhone? This is a task — at least for fans — that requires a certain level of creativity, but it is not always possible to find images that exactly express the imagined idea. Why not, in that case, turn to the fascinating … Read more

You can read the full story here: Wall Genie app uses AI to generate personalized wallpapers.

Unraveling the Mystery: The Great Puller of the Milky Way Galaxy

Unraveling the Mystery: The Great Puller of the Milky Way Galaxy

Space scientists and astronomers are trying, in different ways, to discover the reason behind the attraction of our Milky Way galaxy and nearby galaxies to something unknown, which pulled these galaxies on depart from their path and towards an area, at a speed greater than a million. miles an hour, that’s the section called “The … Read more

You can read the full story here: Unraveling the Mystery: The Great Puller of the Milky Way Galaxy .


They ask for a pause in the development of AI more powerful than GPT-4 due to risks to society
– 2024-05-03 20:08:04

They ask for a pause in the development of AI more powerful than GPT-4 due to risks to society
– 2024-05-03 20:08:04

2024-05-03 20:08:04 Text: Hugo León An open letter signed by more than 1,100 personalities from the…

The post They ask for a pause in the development of AI more powerful than GPT-4 due to risks to society
– 2024-05-03 20:08:04
appeared first on TIme News.


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