Crisis Communication Experts McConnell & Edwards Launch New Consultancy Service in Springfield

Crisis Communication Experts McConnell & Edwards Launch New Consultancy Service in Springfield

2024-05-04 08:55:24 McConnell and Edwards start new crisis consulting group A new Springfield crisis communications consultancy consulting service has been launched to help organizations communicate effectively and clearly when time is of the essence. McConnell Edwards, owned by Kaitlyn McConnell and Steve Edwards, will work with companies, nonprofits and individuals to evaluate and create strategies … Read more

You can read the full story here: Crisis Communication Experts McConnell & Edwards Launch New Consultancy Service in Springfield.

Representative Strida Geagea Calls for End to Syrian Presence in Lebanon – Urges United Front Against Illegal Immigration

Representative Strida Geagea Calls for End to Syrian Presence in Lebanon – Urges United Front Against Illegal Immigration

Representative Strida Geagea confirmed that “the Syrian presence in Lebanon is an illegitimate presence, and we must all begin to describe things as they are, and from today we can never use the phrase “refugees” or to use “asylum seekers” to describe this presence, based on the agreement signed in 2003. Between the Lebanese state … Read more

You can read the full story here: Representative Strida Geagea Calls for End to Syrian Presence in Lebanon – Urges United Front Against Illegal Immigration .


The situation in Gaza – the head of the Pentagon made a statement
– 2024-05-04 09:04:20

The situation in Gaza – the head of the Pentagon made a statement
– 2024-05-04 09:04:20

2024-05-04 09:04:20 “The Times Of Israel” writes about this. At a press briefing, Austin noted that…

The post The situation in Gaza – the head of the Pentagon made a statement
– 2024-05-04 09:04:20
appeared first on TIme News.


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