ICOH 2024: A Historic Milestone in Occupational Health and Safety

ICOH 2024: A Historic Milestone in Occupational Health and Safety

2024-05-04 09:00:31 2 After six days of intense exchanges and knowledge sharing, the 34th International Congress of Occupational Health (ICOH 2024) successfully draws its curtains. Under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, this historic edition will remain engraved in the annals as a major milestone in the field of health and safety … Read more

You can read the full story here: ICOH 2024: A Historic Milestone in Occupational Health and Safety.

Arresto de Steve Bannon, el ex monje negro de Trump, por defraudar a donantes

Arresto de Steve Bannon, el ex monje negro de Trump, por defraudar a donantes

enido. The Evolution of the “Monje Negro” Concept Five centuries ago, Girolamo Savonarola, a Dominican friar in Florence, Italy, gained notoriety for his fiery sermons and calls for moral reform. His strict beliefs and⁢ denunciation of corruption in the Catholic Church led to his downfall,‍ as‌ he was eventually arrested, tortured, and burned ⁢at the … Read more

You can read the full story here: Arresto de Steve Bannon, el ex monje negro de Trump, por defraudar a donantes .


José Mujica has a tumor in the esophagus

José Mujica has a tumor in the esophagus

2024-05-04 08:11:35 By ensuring that as long as he can he will continue on the political…

The post José Mujica has a tumor in the esophagus appeared first on TIme News.


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