Home » The History of Vaping: From Electronic Cigarettes to Vape Tanks

The History of Vaping: From Electronic Cigarettes to Vape Tanks

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Nearly everyone’s either heard of vaping or owns a vaping device themselves. However, the history behind vapes wasn’t always so straightforward. To provide insight into how the modern vape came to be, with its many twists and turns along the way, we’ve written a chronological timeline for you to enjoy. Let’s take a look!

Humble Beginnings

Before the debates over nicotine levels and disposable vape vs regular vape, there was simply the humble e-cigarette. In fact, the very first iteration of this device goes as far back as 1927, almost an entire century ago! While that original design bears virtually no resemblance to what we’re now used to, it created the foundation for future innovation to build on. 

The original ‘vape’ was named the ‘Mechanical Butane Ignition Vaporizer’ and was patented by Joseph Robinson. Unfortunately for Joseph, significant time would need to pass before his idea came to fruition. 

Further Development

It wasn’t until 1963, thirty-six years after Robinson’s original plans, that Herbert A Gilbert developed the vape further. He created a device that produced vapor without combustion, inspired by his desire to find a replacement for his smoking habit. Extraordinarily, Gilbert’s design worked and looks surprisingly similar to the vape devices we have today. 

Unfortunately, the device was too ahead of its time. Most people were perfectly content to continue smoking cigarettes, mainly due to misinformation surrounding the dangers of traditional smoking. Sadly, Gilbert’s invention faded into obscurity. However, without his efforts, we likely wouldn’t have the vapes we know today.

A Slight Detour

In the 80s, a pioneer named Phil Ray made further advancements on the road to the modern vape. However, he went in a totally different direction from his predecessors, focusing instead on the evaporation of nicotine. They saw increased popularity compared to Gilbert’s design, largely thanks to their strikingly similar appearance to traditional cigarettes. It wasn’t enough, however, and it wouldn’t be for another 20 years until the vape really came into its own. 

Finally, a Breakthrough!

At long last, at the turn of the century, Hon Lik made the breakthrough that led to the modern vape. A pharmacist from China, Lik created a device explicitly designed to replace traditional cigarettes, following similar motives as Gilbert before him. His experimentation with various vaporization systems resulted in the e-cigarette.

Through access to modern technology, Lik was able to fit his prototype with a lithium battery, meaning that his device could run for hours at a time. His creation first hit the market in China back in 2004 and entered the European and USA markets in 2006. We think you know what happened next.

Where Will Vape Go Next?

There’s no denying the incredible leaps in innovation that have been made with vapes over the years. From delicious new flavors to ever longer-lasting batteries, the humble vape has come a long way! Although the journey has been exciting, we’re excited to see where it could go next. The sky seems to be the limit for these handheld devices. 

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