Home » If boiled, tap water, thanks to limestone, disperses up to 80% of plastics

If boiled, tap water, thanks to limestone, disperses up to 80% of plastics

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If boiled, tap water, thanks to limestone, disperses up to 80% of plastics

According to a recent study, published in the scientific journal Environmental Science and Technology, if tap water…

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The Scent of Ripe Fruit: A Potential Cancer Cell Inhibitor

The Scent of Ripe Fruit: A Potential Cancer Cell Inhibitor

Research results have been published showing that the scent of ripe fruit has the effect of inhibiting the proliferation of cancer cells. [사진: 셔터스톡] [디지털투데이 AI리포터] Research results have been published showing that the scent of ripe fruit has the effect of inhibiting the proliferation of cancer cells. According to the Japanese newspaper Gigagene, on […]

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Study Links Pesticides and Herbicides to Parkinson’s Disease in Specific U.S. Regions, Urging Reduction in Usage

Study Links Pesticides and Herbicides to Parkinson’s Disease in Specific U.S. Regions, Urging Reduction in Usage

Pesticide Use Linked to Higher Rates of Parkinson’s Disease in Certain U.S. Regions Introduction A recent preliminary study presented at the American…

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