Home » International Shipping Companies Divert Routes Away from Red Sea: Impact on Maritime Navigation and Trade Routes

International Shipping Companies Divert Routes Away from Red Sea: Impact on Maritime Navigation and Trade Routes

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International Shipping Companies Divert Routes Away from Red Sea: Impact on Maritime Navigation and Trade Routes

2024-03-28 02:54:01 Dozens of international shipping companies diverted their routes away from the Red Sea due to Houthi strikes on shipping lines in the Bab al-Mandab Strait and the targeting of shipping traffic. Among the companies that announced changing their route was the shipping giant Maersk, which completely diverted all of its ships to the … Read more

You can read the full story here: International Shipping Companies Divert Routes Away from Red Sea: Impact on Maritime Navigation and Trade Routes.

Telephone scams: 5 people reported in Salerno

Telephone scams: 5 people reported in Salerno

The Operational Section of Cyber ​​Security – Postal and Communications Police Salernocoordinated by the Cosc Campania Basilicata and Molise, has implemented, in recent days, five personal precautionary measures requiring signature in the context of criminal proceedings in which three further precautionary measures had already been carried out against Salerno citizens, who , according to the … Read more

You can read the full story here: Telephone scams: 5 people reported in Salerno .


“Major Tom” as the European Championship goal anthem? UEFA puts a stop to fan wishes

“Major Tom” as the European Championship goal anthem? UEFA puts a stop to fan wishes

Since 2019, Zombie Nation’s song “Kernkraft 400” has been the German national team’s goal anthem at…

The post “Major Tom” as the European Championship goal anthem? UEFA puts a stop to fan wishes appeared first on TIme News.


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