Home » Miami, violent arrest for an Italian student. The young man: «It was torture, but I survived»

Miami, violent arrest for an Italian student. The young man: «It was torture, but I survived»

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Miami, violent arrest for an Italian student. The young man: «It was torture, but I survived»

Listen to the audio version of the article Shock arrest in Miami for a 25-year-old Italian student. This is what the newspaper «La Nazione» reports on its website. Matteo Falcinelli, this is the name of the Italian arrested in Miami last February, was in Florida to attend a Master’s degree at the Florida International University, … Read more

You can read the full story here: Miami, violent arrest for an Italian student. The young man: «It was torture, but I survived».

Controversy Surrounding the Takeover of Théâtre Prémol in Grenoble Sparks Community Action

Controversy Surrounding the Takeover of Théâtre Prémol in Grenoble Sparks Community Action

Posted on March 6, 2024 Against the threat of taking the city away the Théâtre Prémol historically linked to the MJC of the same name , a gathering has been established that will meet this Tuesday night at the Olympic Village to organize and take action. The Red / Green elected officials of Grenoble have … Read more

You can read the full story here: Controversy Surrounding the Takeover of Théâtre Prémol in Grenoble Sparks Community Action .


The UN unanimously adopts a Moroccan resolution against the burning of the Holy Quran and hate speech

The UN unanimously adopts a Moroccan resolution against the burning of the Holy Quran and hate speech

2024-05-06 05:12:19 This resolution “strongly deplores all acts of violence targeting people because of their religion…

The post The UN unanimously adopts a Moroccan resolution against the burning of the Holy Quran and hate speech appeared first on TIme News.


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