Home » Nepra is indignant with distribution firms for placing an extra burden of greater than 310 billion rupees on electrical energy customers – Enterprise & Financial system

Nepra is indignant with distribution firms for placing an extra burden of greater than 310 billion rupees on electrical energy customers – Enterprise & Financial system

by archyworldyscom
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Nepra is indignant with distribution firms for placing an extra burden of greater than 310 billion rupees on electrical energy customers – Enterprise & Financial system

The Nationwide Electrical Energy Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) determined after finishing the general public listening to on the applying submitted by the Central Energy Buying Company (CPPA) to find out the ability buy worth for the monetary yr 2024-25. saved Below the chairmanship of Chairman Nepra Waseem Mukhtar, a listening to was held on the Nationwide … Read more

You can read the full story here: Nepra is indignant with distribution firms for placing an extra burden of greater than 310 billion rupees on electrical energy customers – Enterprise & Financial system.

Mexico, good anti-corruption frameworks and pending transparency: OECD

Mexico, good anti-corruption frameworks and pending transparency: OECD

Mexico has the most effective strategic anti-corruption and public integrity frameworks among the many international locations of the Group for Financial Cooperation and Improvement (OECD); Nevertheless, its “Achilles heel” is the transparency of data and the implementation of audits, amongst others, the worldwide group concluded. Inside the framework of the digital launch of the report … Read more

You can read the full story here: Mexico, good anti-corruption frameworks and pending transparency: OECD .


Greenback costs in Baghdad and Erbil with the closure

Greenback costs in Baghdad and Erbil with the closure

2024-03-20T13:26:14+00:00 A- A A+ / The costs of the US greenback stabilized towards the Iraqi dinar…

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