Home » ÖGN annual conference in Vienna from March 13th to 15th, 2024: “Brain Health” – 2024-03-12 18:42:05

ÖGN annual conference in Vienna from March 13th to 15th, 2024: “Brain Health” – 2024-03-12 18:42:05

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ÖGN annual conference in Vienna from March 13th to 15th, 2024: “Brain Health”
– 2024-03-12 18:42:05

For the first time, an annual meeting of the ÖGN deals with the prevention of illnesses Vienna (OTS) – This year’s annual meeting of the Austrian Society for Neurology (ÖGN)…

The post ÖGN annual conference in Vienna from March 13th to 15th, 2024: “Brain Health”
– 2024-03-12 18:42:05
appeared first on Worldys News.

How probiotics could reduce risk through the oral microbiome

How probiotics could reduce risk through the oral microbiome

#probiotics #reduce #risk #oral #microbiome Tübingen university team develops new probiotic toothpaste (PHOTO) Tübingen (ots) – New research suggests that a balanced composition of the oral flora (oral microbiome) plays a key role in the prevention of high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. In the course of evolution, we humans have outsourced the formation […]

The post How probiotics could reduce risk through the oral microbiome appeared first on World Today Journal.


7 symptoms that you could have type 2 diabetes

7 symptoms that you could have type 2 diabetes

You could be living with type 2 diabetes and not knowing it. This was stated by the British authorities, after they discovered…

The post 7 symptoms that you could have type 2 diabetes appeared first on Daily Weby.


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