Home » UN Secretary-General calls on G-77 countries to adopt new technologies to accelerate progress towards achieving the SDGs

UN Secretary-General calls on G-77 countries to adopt new technologies to accelerate progress towards achieving the SDGs

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UN Secretary-General calls on G-77 countries to adopt new technologies to accelerate progress towards achieving the SDGs

2024-03-05 09:17:28 UN Secretary-General calls on G-77 countries to adopt new technologies to accelerate progress towards achieving the SDGs Richard Wetaya, Alliance pour la Science* During the third Southern Summit (G-77 + China) which has just ended in the Ugandan capital of Kampala, the Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterresurged Nations to harness … Read more

You can read the full story here: UN Secretary-General calls on G-77 countries to adopt new technologies to accelerate progress towards achieving the SDGs.

Study Shows Take 10,000 Steps a Day to Lower Risk of Heart Disease and Early Death, Regardless of Sedentary Time: Research

Study Shows Take 10,000 Steps a Day to Lower Risk of Heart Disease and Early Death, Regardless of Sedentary Time: Research

Walking 10,000 Steps a Day Reduces Risk of Heart Disease, New Study Shows Walking 10,000 Steps a Day Reduces Risk of Heart Disease, New Study Shows Key insights from groundbreaking study Walking up to 10,000 steps a day lowers the risk of heart disease and early death, even when spending the rest of the day … Read more

You can read the full story here: Study Shows Take 10,000 Steps a Day to Lower Risk of Heart Disease and Early Death, Regardless of Sedentary Time: Research .


Woman detected cancer in her young son thanks to the flash of her cell phone

Woman detected cancer in her young son thanks to the flash of her cell phone

2024-03-05 15:16:13 When there are small children at home, it is crucial to pay enough attention…

The post Woman detected cancer in her young son thanks to the flash of her cell phone appeared first on TIme News.


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